
Pelviacetabular Trauma

Pelviacetabular Trauma Surgery in Jaipur

Khandaka Hospital: The best Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur:

Looking for the best Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur? Khandaka Hospital is here! But before that, let us know about Pelviacetabular Trauma. Pelviacetabular trauma is an injury to the pelvis and acetabulum (the socket of the hip joint). Pelviacetabular trauma can be caused by a direct blow to the pelvis, a fall onto the pelvis, or a motor vehicle accident. 

The most common symptom of Pelviacetabular trauma is pain in the hip or groin.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Pain in the lower back or buttocks.
  • Swelling or bruising in the hip or groin area.
  • Difficulty moving the leg.

Pelviacetabular trauma is diagnosed with a physical examination and imaging tests, such as an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. Treatment may include rest, ice, compression, elevation, and physical therapy. Surgery may be necessary to repair fractures or other damage to the pelvis or acetabulum.

PAT surgery aims to restore the patient to their previous level of function. This often means returning the patient to their pre-injury activity level. In some cases, however, it may mean that the patient can return to a lower activity level.

PAT surgery is a complex and challenging field, but surgeons specializing in this area can provide the best possible care for their patients.

What do we mean by the Pelviacetabular Trauma branch? 

Pelviacetabular trauma (PAT) is a branch of orthopedics that deals with diagnosing and treating injuries to the pelvis and acetabulum (hip socket). PAT surgeons are experts in managing complex hip fractures, hip dislocations, and other pelvic injuries.

Pelviacetabular Trauma Doctor responsible for

PAT surgery is a highly specialized field, and surgeons who specialize in this area have undergone extensive training to provide the best possible care for their patients. PAT surgeons can provide both operative and non-operative care for their patients.

Diseases associated with Pelviacetabular Trauma

Pelviacetabular trauma is an injury affecting the pelvis and hip region. This type of trauma can occur due to a fall, a car accident, or a different kind of impact. Symptoms of Pelviacetabular trauma may include pain in the hip or pelvic region, bruising, swelling, and difficulty walking. 

In more severe cases, Pelviacetabular trauma can lead to dislocation of the hip, fracture of the pelvis, or damage to the nerves or blood vessels in the area. Treatment for Pelviacetabular trauma may include rest, ice, and pain medication. Surgery may also be necessary in some cases, as per the best Pelviacetabular Trauma Doctor in Jaipur.

Treatment & Procedures offered by Khandaka Hospital:

Treatment for Pelviacetabular trauma typically involves a combination of surgery and rehabilitation.

There are several different treatments and procedures related to Pelviacetabular trauma that our best Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur offers. These include: 

Surgery: This is often necessary to correct damaged bones or joints in the pelvis or acetabulum. 
Physical therapy: Physical Therapy can help improve the range of motion and strength in the affected area. 
Rehabilitation: This may be necessary to help the individual regain function and independence. 
Medications: These can be used to help control pain and inflammation.
Lifestyle: Lifestyle modifications may be necessary to help prevent further injury to the area. 

The Procedure: 

Let's know about its procedure here: 

  • The first step in treating Pelviacetabular trauma is to stabilize the injured area. This may involve putting the bones back or using metal plates and screws to hold them together. 
  • Once the bones are stabilized, the focus shifts to rehabilitation. This may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.  The goal of rehabilitation is to help the patient regain as much function as possible.

Pelviacetabular trauma can be a severe injury, but most patients can recover fully with proper treatment.

Facilities and Services provided by Khandaka Hospital:

The Pelviacetabular Trauma Program at our Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur is responsible for the care of patients with injuries to the pelvis and hip. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to care, with specialists in orthopedics, trauma, and rehabilitation working together to provide the best possible outcome for our patients.

We offer various services related to Pelviacetabular trauma, including surgical and non-surgical treatment options. We also have a comprehensive rehabilitation program to help patients regain function and mobility after their injury.

We are committed to providing the highest quality care to our patients and their families. We understand the trauma that they have been through and are dedicated to helping them through every step of their recovery.

 Why Choose Khandaka Hospital?

Pelvis and Acetabular surgeries are considered one of the most serious and difficult surgeries, and both are treated perfectly at Khandaka Hospital. We offer specialized services to treat all kinds of complicated Pelvic and Acetabular Trauma. We have a proper expert team dedicated to pelvic and acetabular trauma-related patients. 

At Khandaka Hospital, the best Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur, high standards for all treatments are maintained for any kind of patient. Our hospital is completely dedicated to all kinds of patients and provides world-class, affordable healthcare services under one roof. 

If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of pelvic trauma or Acetabular trauma, then immediately, without any further delay, schedule an appointment with our expert doctors. We welcome your call anytime and look forward to serving you with the best of the best.

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Health Tips & Info

As per data and studies, the most frequently damaged organs with pelvic injuries are the spleen, liver, and kidney (58.9%). After this is followed by urogenital lesions (46.6%), nerve injuries (25.6%), and vascular lesions (15.3%); if you go through such injuries, it is best to get a consultation at the best Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur. 

Yes, an Acetabular fracture is serious, and immediate medical treatment is required for fast recovery without further complications. They are serious orthopedic injuries, usually resulting from significant trauma. For that,  Khandaka Hospital, a well-known Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur, is the one you can trust blindly.

The symptoms of Pelvic Trauma and fractured acetabular are:-

  • Bleeding
  • Constipation
  • Erectile dysfunction (men)
  • Pain related to fractures
  • Pain during sexual intercourse (women)
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Tingling sensation down the leg.

If you face similar symptoms, it is best to consult the Best Pelviacetabular Trauma Doctor in Jaipur.  

The amount of time it takes to heal a Pelviacetabular Trauma-related fracture will vary depending on the individual case at the best Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur. It is generally accepted that the fracture will take several months to heal. The healing process will usually involve rest followed by gradual rehabilitation, aiming to return the individual to their previous activity level.

A pelvic fracture is a break in the pelvic bone. The pelvic bone is located between the hip bones and the lower spine. It is a weight-bearing bone, so a break in this bone can be serious.

The time it takes to walk after a pelvic fracture will depend on the severity of the fracture. A simple break may only require a few weeks of healing, while a more severe fracture can take several months. In some cases, surgery may be required to stabilize the bone.

Following your Best Pelviacetabular Trauma Doctor in Jaipur's instructions for recovery is important if you have suffered a pelvic fracture. This will help ensure that you heal properly and minimize your risk of complications.

Pelviacetabular trauma surgery is a serious procedure that requires a great deal of preparation on the part of the patient. 

  • Before surgery, you should consult your best Pelviacetabular Trauma Doctor in Jaipur and get all necessary tests and screenings done. 
  • You should also make sure to follow any instructions given to you by your doctor in the weeks leading up to the surgery.
  • Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally in the weeks before surgery is also essential. 
  • Make sure to eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, and avoid stressful activities. This will help you to recover more quickly after surgery and reduce your risk of complications.

The amount of physical therapy required after Pelviacetabular trauma surgery will vary depending on the individual case. In general, patients who have undergone this type of surgery will require some form of physical therapy to regain the full function of the affected area. The type and intensity of physical therapy will be determined by the surgeon at a Pelviacetabular Trauma Hospital in Jaipur based on the specific nature of the surgery and the patient's recovery process.
